Sunday 25 August 2013

Make Do And Mend/The Flatliners - Split 7'' (2013)

(Originally posted on Rest Assured Zine)

Released through Rise Records the Make Do And Mend / The Flatliners Split 7" is some of the two bands' best material to date. Make Do And Mend's side (A) is two tracks ('Don't' and 'Tell Me'), one is an all out punk anthem, the other a slower, softer, melodic track. The two are very different, but very good in there own ways. The Flatliners (Side B) is 5 minutes of what they do best. Play catchy, ska-punk rock. 'Daggers' is the edgier out of the two, but they're both decent tracks. On the whole, the split is fairly impressive, but is only a teaser for the two bands who both have records either out relatively recently, or out soon. 

Make Do And Mend's side is much better, but I really enjoyed this split.

Video: Make Do And Mend - Dont



Misery Signals - Absent Light (2013)

(Originally posted on Rest Assured Zine)

Misery Signals have been a little quiet for the past few years. After not having put out an album for around five years, Absent Light is the result of nearly two years of writing/rehearsals. There is no denying that a lot of effort has been put into writing this record. The intricate guitar/drum work, time signature and tempo changes can be a little hard to keep up with but 'djent' fans will no doubt love the record. Songs to look out for would be 'Shadows and Depth', 'Luminary' and 'Departure', they just about sum up the technicality and ferocity of the album. Misery Signals fans won’t be disappointed with Absent Light and with them signing recently to UNFD I’m sure we'll be seeing them in Australia soon. 

Although writing all that for Rest Assured I highly disliked this record. The time signature changes and generic breakdowns/sections at every corner had me yawning. Fans of new Architects, Northlane and 'djent' people will like this though. 


Video: Misery Signals - Luminary



Sick People - Fakes Rule 7'' (2013)

(Original post on Rest Assured Zine)

After a few demos and jam tapes, Brisbane's Sick People have finally released this much awaited 7''. From track one this record hits hard. Very hard. With their old school hardcore ethics and songs on this 7'', Sick People could very well shape the future of the Australian hardcore scene. 'BOTM' was previously featured on the 'Split Scene Compilation' and speaks of bringing back that old school sound and getting rid of some of the bullshit circling the scene at the moment. You know what bands they're talking about and you know they're in it for all the wrong reasons. The 7'' is available for free on their Bandcamp page, you'd be a fool not to download it. Help put AHC 'Back On The Map'. 

Top quality 7'', one of the best Hardcore releases this year. 

Video: Sick People Dirty Dawgs 2k12 (Live clips)

Buy and Download here:
Promo Tape and all Demos available for free there as well.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Harms Way - Isolation (2011)

Brutality. Sheer goddamn brutality. Harms Way's 'Isolation' is 8 tracks of heavy, messy down tempo hardcore released through Deathwish. Describing this band is a little hard. They're basically a cluster fuck of angry men playing the messiest, heaviest music that can be considered hardcore today. The singer is literally infectious to shirts. When you have a build like his why wear them I guess?

The album itself is just a mass of feedback smashing bass and distorted vocals. Usually this would turn out to be a terrible band/record but Harms Way somehow manage to keep you interested throughout the whole album. Although the effects on the mic could go and the bass could have been mixed down, the raw sound kinda suits the band. The drums definitely should have been recorded a little clearer, it would help keep the album together.

Songs like the title track ('Isolation') and the opener, ''Scrambled', really give a great example of the album and the bands sound. Especially on the opener ('Scrambled') that low tuned bass is irresistible not to get into. The off tone, low tuned guitars really reinforcing that punishing heavy sound.

A terrifying, crunching record that wont appeal to all, but to those who do like it understand the raw, angry sound Harms Way are striving for.


Video: Harms Way live Outbreak Fest 2012



Sunday 11 August 2013

Touche Amore/Title Fight - Touche Amore/Title Fight Split 7'' (2013)

Released on Record Day 2013 this split was put out through Deathwish Records. The split consists of two cover tracks, Touche Amore covering Title Fights 'Crescent Shaped Depression' (From the album 'Shed') and Tile Fight covering Touche Amore's 'Face Ghost' (From the album 'Parting the Sea Between Brightness And Me').

With both bands having a similar sound it was much anticipated this would be an incredible release. Although, it doesn't quite work. Both songs are so incredible originally,
so topping that was always going to be hard. It just, doesn't work. Not saying the tracks are terrible, but they just 'don't work'. Touche's TF cover is the worse of the two. Frontman Jeremy just doesn't live up to Jamie's original vocals on the track. The same goes for Title Fights TA cover, Ned doesn't quite pull off Jeremy's vocals.

The covers are supposed to be a spin on the original of course but they just cant live up to standard set. A good idea, in theory, but not what was expected.


Video: Title Fight - Face Ghost (Touche Amore Cover)

