Released through Rise Records the Make Do And Mend / The Flatliners Split 7" is some of the two bands' best material to date. Make Do And Mend's side (A) is two tracks ('Don't' and 'Tell Me'), one is an all out punk anthem, the other a slower, softer, melodic track. The two are very different, but very good in there own ways. The Flatliners (Side B) is 5 minutes of what they do best. Play catchy, ska-punk rock. 'Daggers' is the edgier out of the two, but they're both decent tracks. On the whole, the split is fairly impressive, but is only a teaser for the two bands who both have records either out relatively recently, or out soon.
Make Do And Mend's side is much better, but I really enjoyed this split.
Video: Make Do And Mend - Dont