Monday 22 July 2013

Defeater - Letters Home (2013)

Defeaters 3rd full-length album, 'Letters Home', is a new addition to the Defeater discography and a new story. The album, as always, is a story set around wartime America. Their second release via Bridge 9 Records (Travels was re-released after initial pressing via Topshelf), Letters Home lives up to the phenomenally high standards set by 2011's 'Empty Days & Sleepless Nights'.

The sound of the album is very similar to that of previous albums but they seemed to have mellowed down a little on many of the tracks, extending the instrumental sections, which in my opinion improve the album from gritty melodic hardcore to something more. Not to say they've lost their edge at all. Songs like 'Hopeless Again', 'Blood in My Eyes' and opener "Bastards' show this. Its tracks like 'No Shame' and the last four tracks (especially 'Bled Out') that show the 'mellower' more emotional side to them.

The guitars, as always, are so incredibly balanced between that aggressive hardcore sound and melodic, slower, clean tone parts. The contrast  and 'start/stops' between sections just works in that classic Defeater way. The drums are just smashed to oblivion and the quick fills slot perfectly in time. Frontman Dereks vocals seemed to have changed a little whether its a differentiation in his voice or the recording of the album but the change keeps it fresh. The vocals in songs like 'Bastard' and 'Bled Out' are so strong and 'powerful', which as always makes you wonder whether some of his own personality seeps through into the lyric writing process ("And all I see is the bastard in me").

Until you get your hands on a copy of the album I doubt the full story can be completely grasped but from what everyone is saying, the story is of a Veteran Father who's 'brother' is at war and keeps sending 'Letters Home'. "John' battles depression, the loss of a 'brother' (grievance) and is an obvious alcoholic.

The last song 'Bled Out', just like 'White Oak Doors', ends the album in a 6 minutes epic finale. Along with 'Bastards' these are the blatantly obvious stand out tracks on the album.

A top quality Defeater album which has more than lived up to the high standards set previous.

Video: Defeater - Bastards

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